Here she is happy. For sweet mom read that post, hopped on Amazon, and provided the trilogy. (And she is sitting in front of the T.V. as she writes, listening to Leia tell Obi Wan that he's her only hope.)

So writing things on the blog is like rubbing a lamp, eh?
Alright then, I wish I had a one . . . million . . . dollars.
CUTE! very cute!
you have to say it right, "won . . . meallion . . . doollars."
Talented, I know you had to write that sign backwards. Is there anything you cannot do?
Hey girlie. I am heading to Nor Cal on Saturday for a couple weeks. Tahoe is always a destination of ours. Wanna meet up? It's been a while since we've seen each other, and I just love Megan Romo! Maybe I should put it on my blog...rubbing a lamp?
B asked me if she could watch the "good Star Wars" yesterday. When I put it on her for her she yelled "Yes! AWESOME!!!" She was talking about the new ones. I have to admit I am totally into them as well. I was able to TiVo one of them, but am missing the other two. Perhaps your fabulous husband could burn for me??? :)
Alright I have posted on my blog and it is not private for the time being. So take a look!
confession: i have ever seen star wars
I am just wondering how many pictures you took before you settled on this one for this post.
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