Monday, June 7, 2010


A presently nagging petty pet peeve of mine: when folksies can't spell queue. Que is not a word. It doesn't mean line like queue does. One more time: que isn't a word.


Jessica said...

Que is a word.

In Spanish.

Jessica said...

Also, where are people using this "que" inappropriately? That's weird.

Andrea said...

I'm sorry, but I love to spell it que and I'm going to keep on doing it until someone fines me!

Megan said...

Oh just all over the place. Like "is there any way I can get into your design que." Actually, there is absolutely no way in the world that you could get into anyone's design que.

It's also a word in French.

Megan said...

Andrea (if you're my cousin Andrea I take back everything I'm about to say; do as you will), writing it out as que makes you look like an ignorant moron. C'mon.

~j. said...

I love you more each day.

Jessica said...

Okay, I am definitely going to be on the lookout for this one. I can't believe people actually do this.

Oh, and thanks for teaching me that "que" is also a French word. I was not aware of that. Smarty pants.

Sue said...

Isn't it QUEer how people use "que?" It kinda makes me QUEasy, unless I'm in QUEbec visiting the QUEen then my QUEasiness is QUElled. But seldom is my disgust for QUEstionable uses of que QUEued than when I'm on a QUEst to hunt QUElea in QUEens with QUEntin Tarantino!

Megan said...

Mom, you are delightfully bizarre.

Tricia said...

queue is one of my favorite words EVER!!!!! we had "queues" we worked from on our airline reservation system.....queues were a way of life, and I can't begin to tell you how much I love using that word any time I can. I also love the word Albuquerque......for some reason. I'm intrigued by the u/q placement or

Andrea said...

It is your cousin and I don't think I'll forgive you! :)