Etsy seems to be the world's largest repository for stuff that has no business existing. regretsy will never, ever, ever run out of material. Today, however, this particular piece of crap stood out to me.

To waste $95 on this yarn disaster, click here.
No, despite the fact that the title says "pick-of-the-week," I'm not starting some repeat weekly feature on Etsy stuff that sucks. That's just too much commitment for me.
What is it, what do you do with it, and why would you put your baby in it? Looks super safe and all....
Apparently it's a prop for infant photos.
Ugly infant photos.
That's great! Is there a regretsy blog? Now there's something I'd frequent.
hahah this is too hilarious! i'd never heard of regretsy either...but totally not surprised...
I don't get it. $95. Is it made from real hair? Does it come with the baby? Maybe let's not spend the money on a pile of yarn and spend it on clothes for that naked baby.
you can never have too many ponchos.
Is this a preview of some kind of sequel to Where The Wild Things Are?
you're welcome:[]=tags&includes[]=title
p.s. there is a blog called "regresty" just for these things.
also...bought this as a gag gift for my brother (our family has a sick sense of humor)
was it worth the $15...yes!
Had to carry this one over to my blog today. Thanks! :)
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