I think that says something about a person. Probably that I'm soft and cuddly and sweet and snuggly and want to give everyone I see a hug and three kisses.
I just counted. There are 42 visible throw pillows in Home Sweet Romo Home, and it's not some giant space that necessitates 42 of 'em. I say "visible," because there are ten squishy squares put away in the guest room closet. And those are just the ones I remember.
And before you think those stuffed things make mi casa somewhere pleasant to visit, consider the following: This weekend we hung a 58" wide print of Guernica in our bedroom:

Here's what Wikipedia has to say about the giant print hanging on my side of the bed:
Guernica is a painting by Pablo Picasso, showing the bombing of Guernica, Spain, by twenty-eight German bombers, [in] 1937 during the Spanish Civil War. The attack killed between 250 and 1,600 people, and many more were injured. The Spanish rulers commissioned Pablo Picasso to create [the] large mural . . .That's right kiddos. War and destruction in the Master Suite.
Guernica shows the tragedies of war and the suffering war inflicts upon individuals, and in particular, innocent civilians.
And as I mentioned in a comment on Rabid's blog, while all of you have vinyl lettering that tells your children to Return with Honor and Remember Who [They] Are and that they're here All Because Two People Fell in Love, in my loft, adjacent to the MBdrm, I have a bit by Virgil which includes the word Death.
So say I invite you to visit the home o' Romo in Sparks, you can sink into a well of throw pillows, gaze at Spanish destruction in our room, and see Death spelled-out in the space where most people keep a TV.
There's no place like home.
Homo Romo? That's funny. Did you know that there's no swearing allowed in the Picasso Museum in Spain? That and you have to wear a skirt.
I love it. I should have asked what piece turned you two into adults this weekend. Should have known it was Picasso.
Actually makes perfect sense.
No "Return with Honor" for me. My mom had this painted on one of our beams in our house growing up...she thought: "sumbliminal messages" but all I thought was: "eww, that will never be in my house." And can I just say, I hate throw pillows. Too much clutter. What does that say about me? Not a cuddler or lovable? For sure!
If you want something vinyl, I still stand by "Fight, Hate, Fornicate". A harsher version of "Live, Love, Learn, Laugh, Light one up" - whatever the lame phrase is.
I think "Fight, Hate, Fornicate" is my new favorite phrase.
Ditto on the throw pillows.
That is one of my favorite paintings. I saw it once when I was in junior high.
and I had a HUGE poster of it on my wall, and people thought I was creepy...sad
Will you take down the "nanny cam" if we come to visit??? I promise we will, and next time we go to the snow expect a call....you can go tubing with us!
Wow, I never thought of it, but I like it. Goodbye vinyl, hello death by Picasso. Very fitting in the bedroom. Thanks for the idea.
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