Thursday, June 19, 2014


On to the ceremony. 

Our wonderful officiant and friend Bishop Jess McDoniels and the debonair groom: 

Remember how I myself was an officiant at a wedding? Well that bride, my wonderful Evangeline, and her husband made their way from Boston to attend our wedding. She's a skilled violinist and played us down the aisle: 

Flower girl, Miss Violet Ingram:

Best man, Benjamin Elliker, Jim's youngest, and maid of honor, Lauren, my youngest sister:

Rather than having traditional readings, Jim and I decided to ask our parents to talk some. My dad. His mom. This shot is probably just before my dad started crying. (Something about what a wonderful man his eldest daughter was marrying, from a father who knows the stark difference first-hand.) 

Then Jim's mom Gay got up to speak: 

Because she was giving us Jim's dad, Shirl's, ring, it was bound to get emotional. (Sorry for posting a crying picture, sweetheart, but the honesty here was just to sweet to keep to myself.)


Man and wife. He and she. She and he.


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