R.C. R.C.
And they swear they didn't do that on purpose.
Want to know the real reason I don't go to Utah as often as I used to? It's them. It's them and their food. Whitney runs a popular food blog filled with tantalizing whatnot and tips on how to make healthy things easier, and Ethan has been catering his entire life. If I go to The Tah often I get fat, fat, fat because it's impossible to spend time with Ethan and Whitney and not leave with a belly that's twice the size it was when I arrived and infinitely more happy.
It's especially bad because they think of me when it comes to certain recipes. Oh! I made an asparagus pasta that is so up your alley! Oh! We catered this fruit bruschetta that would be perfect for you! Stuff like that. You'd think it's nice, but it's actually terribly rude when someone's watching their girlish--but not too girlish--figure.
Anyhow, why I write this (for we know it's not news): Rockwell Catering just refreshed their website and it appears (to me, but I could be wrong for I'm not so much one for the details and I haven't been to their site in months) that there are new food images. And, well, food images do it for me. Why lie?
So if you live in Utah (which many of you do; I know--I get reports on your activities here) and you have an event, large or small, consider Rockwell. The food is to die for (honest! It's really not in my best interest to say food is good when it isn't; that makes me look like an idiot), and Ethan might even be able to get you Rookie's autograph, if you ask very, very nicely.
A note on "large or small": many people think that in order to consider having something catered you need to have a huge function. Such is really not the case.
Many of us are Mormons and we have families the size of which fulfills the stereotype. And that means that we have family get-togethers. Which are stressful. Not only do we have to host our siblings and their rotten children, but we have to feed them as well. Sometimes, that's just more hassle than it's worth and we just give up on the thing altogether.
That's where knowing of an efficient caterer comes in handy.
Catering doesn't mean that you have to have an event of a hundred people. It could be much less. Much, much less. And it doesn't mean you have to do dinner. You could have them do breakfast or a dessert buffet or lunch or whatever. And it doesn't mean that you have to have a formal event planned for which your guests got engraved invitations. You could be doing a big birthday dinner or an anniversary dinner for your parents or a luncheon for friends or whatever. And it doesn't mean that you have to have minions in black and white shuffling around with silver trays of crudites. You could just order the food and have your caterer drop it off if you'd prefer. Then it's just you and your annoying relatives and no extra people making you feel awkward.
Why use a bona fide caterer instead of just having Jason's Deli delivered? Quite simply: your reputation. Sure, Jason's Deli is great. I've used them for work and for personal in-home functions of my own. But they're not unique. Use a unique caterer that serves fresh fruit bruschetta and you're something special. Hell, you could even lie and say you made it yourself if you want. I do that kind of thing. It makes me look awfully cool.
Why write this? Why promote like I'm some caterer's whore? Because I'm the girl who pays people to do stuff. I pay people to clean my house and to install dog doors and and to bring food to parties I host. I'm all about things being easier for me so that I can enjoy my life a little more. You certainly don't need to pay people to clean your house. And you can have the neighbor or your husband or your mom install your dog door. But if you're looking to enjoy a little event, I strongly suggest you consider having someone else do the cooking.
You are too kind. Really kind. When your husband called to tell us that you guys were coming to town in the next few weeks, I called him back and left a message asking him to start thinking of what he wants me to make for him. You start thinking too. Something lime maybe?
I appreciate this post. I appreciate it so much that I have actually signed into my Google account so that I can comment and tell you that I appreciate it. I never sign into this thing.
You are sweetassweet.
I want to sucker punch you for talking about food while I'm trying to figure out what to make for dinner. My mouth is watering just thinking about how delicious the food photos must look.
Oh but yes I would totally hire them to make my food for me if I lived anywhere near Utah.
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