This week is the week we make ourselves aware of such defects. And for that my cousin has temporarily de-privatized her blog so that you can acquaint yourself with Marin's story. (To get to the beginning, scroll down to the place where you see the same picture I've posted below.)

If you find yourself with a little time, you should go read through it. You know, if you want your own heart strings twanged.
Living just a few hours from Lins' family, I've had the opportunity to get to know Marin a little bit and see her in the hospital after her last two open-heart surgeries (she's had 3). Brave. That terribly cute little thing is brave.
So is her mom.
Dang, you're awesome! Thanks for helping to make other's aware, too. Marin should feel honored that you even made a posting for her!
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I came across your blog today.I hope that Marin is doing well. I have a 2 year old daughter, Cassidy, who was born with Tetralogy of Fallot w/ PA & MAPCA’s.
I think blogs are a great way to get the word about about CHD’s and I commend you for what you’re doing.
My wife and I are also on a mission to spread the word about CHD’s. We just started a jewelry company called Lucky 10. All of our products are handmade and pertain to Heart Defects and the Heart Community in general.
Please check out our site when you get a moment. If you could help us get the word out about our new business we would be very grateful. It’s a project that’s very dear to our hearts.
Thanks so much and we look forward to reading more on your blog!
Vito Lisa
P.S. If you want to keep up with Cassidy’s journey here is her Carepage info: , Page name: cassidylisa
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