My forays in the kitchen are rare. In fact, they're generally confined to when company stay over. Why cook when company is here? Truly, not to manufacture some vision of me as a regular cook; no, I cook when company is there so that a) they feel special, 'cause they know that I'm doing something I don't generally do, and b) so they have something to eat and aren't forced to eat like I do--weirdly.
When Rabid came to visit, I made a hummus-like bean dip. Soaked then boiled white beans, mint, and other whatnot. Initially, it sucked. Then I sprinkled some feta and it was tasty. Feta heals. We should sprinkle some on the Middle East and see what happens. Oh, wait--they have plenty of feta over there and there's still explosive unrest. Resilient people, eh?
While I was trying to combine ingredients properly, The Husband and the Rabid were sitting at the bar across from me. Oh, they offered to help of course, but I simply wouldn't allow it. While I deciphered and followed, The Husband played with my phone and captured this image. (And he didn't even need Rabid's cell phone action to make it crappy; he can do it without!)
Voila: Me. Cooking.

I could go for some hummus right now. I consume copious amounts weekly, it is rather pathetic that I can't get it under control. Oh well, some girls have chocolate I have hummus.
I like the new layout! Nice job. And, I could eat hummus for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
You make me proud.
Um, I'm proud of you for cooking, especially in your designer wear and looking all hot, but what the hell are you cooking with those ingredients?
Hummus it truly the food of the gods. I have yet to find great hummus in Reno... help me out here. There is a place in Houston up the street from my sister's that ruined all other hummus for me.
I am impressed that you can cook in such nice clothes. I do not have that talent. when I cook you can guess what I am cooking by the stains on my shirt.
I also like the new blog lay out.
What the?! I leave town for two days and you remodeled your blog! Like it. Lots.
Rabid darling! You're here! Or rather you're in India. Oh, my. I thought we'd not hear from you until after Thanksgivin', your favorite holiday. What a treat of epic size.
And I just want to look pretty for you. This blog can't be bangin' when wearing the same dress every single day.
I'm in Paris, not in India quite yet. Just fixin' to post something right now. I logged on yesterday to post a measly photo and blew the fuse in the transformer we were using to plug stuff in. We got a new one, so we're cooking with gas!
Speaking of cooking, that isn't cinnamon, it's paprika. I know. I was there.
Forgive my lapsing memory; I knew you were in gay ole Paris first.
Glad it wasn't cinnamon, seeing as the recipe didn't call for it.
I also love the new look.
Megan darling, is that a faux hawk I spy? Hawt.
Mint in hummus? Genius. Every time you hiccup thereafter...minty fresh.
Naw,just hummus-like, Greeneyes. It was some white bean dip that called for mint. Flavorful. And green. Much like your eyes.
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