I did something I've had an inkling was impending but I've been dreading nevertheless.
I made an appointment with a new hair stylist.
For the last five years or so I've been seeing the same brilliant hair technician, my sister Cat. Logistically, it's been quite the commitment, for we haven't lived in the same state since 2000. However, she's been worth every single hour in driving across Nevada's hideous terrain. Thanks to her skillful snipping--from bob to pixie, I've always had a hair style that elicits compliments from strangers. Depressed strangers when they learn that my hairstylist is out-of-state
Thing is, I'm getting old. At 27. And the 16-hour round trip from Sparks to Provo, UT, is becoming too much for me. Especially since every six weeks isn't frequent enough anymore with this new shorter 'do. I need at least every four. Like I'm going to drive that never-ending, ugly trip every four weeks.
So I approached a gal with a great short haircut that works at Gap here in Reno and asked her for her stylist's name and number.
And then I called and made an appointment for Nov. 21.
The sister-stylist is doing my hair this weekend; it will be the close to a whole lot of fun. I have terrific memories of time in her chair; so good that I'm laughing as I type this. That's right kiddos: LOL. I'd tell you one or two, but the best ones are unprintable.
I'm incredibly nervous about the new stylist. I've no doubt she's skilled, but I'm awfully particular and not the easiest client; just ask Caitlyn about me bossing her around regarding my color mixtures.

That's right people, for various reasons, I sometimes use my iMac's Photobooth as a mirror to do my makeup and flat iron my hair. And yes, my mouth actually is that small. Lucky, I know.
Do you know how awesome it was as a child to get Halloween off? That was back in the day before the state started observing it on the last Friday in October. I hope you enjoy your three day weekend. Sleep in, do it for me. I figure someone should be getting my allotted hours of sleep if I am not. With that I leave a Happy Nevada Day to you for when you awake.
P.S. I am saddened and nervous for you on this new endeavor with the do, but I am sure it will turn out.
Oh, and me! It's Nevada day, and I have the whole day off! What to do what to do?
I hope your hairstylist doesn't stink. Have fun seeing your sister. I know for a fact that when I move to Provo in January SHE will be my hairstylist. BOTTOM LINE.
Great, you just reminded me of my age, and I don’t feel old.
Hey were heading to Cali for Thanksgiving this year, which state are you heading to?
Nothing scarier than a new hairstylist, I am sending good luck vibes (having a good stylist is really just knowing how to communicate what you want, that's what I've discovered).
Lastly, what is it about 27 that is so depressing? It caught me way off guard how old 27 feels. MUCH older than 26. Tragic.
oh I know what you're talking about...Bret great up in Carson City. Too bad it's not on a weekday - it's a holiday right?
p.s. Bret just informed me that in Carson City they trick-or-treat the night before Halloween. He used to score in the candy department going trick-or-treating two nights in a row.
p.p.s. I drove to Carson City almost every weekend (leaving Thursday night and coming back to Provo Sunday night) for 2 months! I'm thinking the drive wasn't as hellish since I was in the puppy dog-I'm-in-love-and-newly-engaged stage of the relationship.
well crap another comment, sorry, but I HAD to comment about your hair appointment. Best of luck. It's so hard to change stylists. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that the whole experience is a positive one for you.
good luck with the hair appointment. i don't know how you've done that drive for so long.
i agree with 27 feeling old. granted, i'm 29, but for some reason when i hit 27 i felt really old. i'm not really sure why, especially since i'm knocking on the door of 30.
Count me among those poor souls who are disappointed your sister lives in Utah!
Oh, how I miss Nevada Day. It was a brutal shock to get to college in Utah and not have Halloween off. Good times, good times.
i'm feeling nervous for you(:
i know the trepidation of changing stylists. a poor color job is fixable; a poor cut takes more time to undo.
16 hours round trip? never! good luck. the first cut is the hardest. it'll be fine.
(psst...*illicits* ---> *elicits*)
Jeannie--thanks for the fix. I honestly appreciate it when readers let me know about my errors so I can fix 'em. 'Preciate it.
I'm from Vegas and I've been telling people Happy Nevada Day ALL day. So, Happy Day to you!
I'm feeling so loved. Thank you those that come/came/want to visit my chair. I'm flattered!
Like I told Megan, I cherished every moment of our last appointment for it was the end of an era!
Meg, remember the banker 'do? And the effed up curl you did? I'm laughing right now. How DO you do that???
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