Saturday, May 9, 2009


I like having things to look forward to. Rather, to function on a level of relative sanity, I have a genuine need for things to anticipate.

I need events to scrawl on my calendar or mentally sketch out an outfit for.

And the items always include people. A lunch with a friend. A brainstorm with Buffy and Whit. A visit to Sparks from people I like/miss/want to get to know better. Going to my parent's house to hold my mom hostage for hours-long conversations late into the night. Heading over the pass to eat Olive Garden with the Witts, see Andie's new house (soon, I hope!), and encroach on Lins and Norm's generous hospitality. Stuff like that. A calendar populated with the people that punctuate my life, making it more interesting, emotionally-fulfilling, and event-driven.

I drive to see my family in Utah a whole lot (you again?), and rarely is my calendar without a date for a visit and session to have Cat coif my 'do. (Hey, Kit, we need to pick a date for you to play with my easy, easy mop. I'm not going to ask for any color changes, just whatever you can make work--we'll get back to a standard color to stick with for a while--and then Cynthia won't think I'm loony for changing all the time anyhow. And I so want Cynthia to like me.) Those perpetual trips give me something to constantly look forward to.

Although those frequent trips of sissies, spouses, and the two who made me [awesome] are sufficent for my needs, I sometimes like the look-forward-tos to be out of my ordinary. And I've got one of those babies waiting in the wings.

My bird-buddy, Ashley, is a photog (see button to the left, a few scrolls down). She's been retained to shoot a wedding in southern California mid-summer, and I'm coming along. So I bought a plane ticket and invited myself. And I did it under the guise of playing her assistant. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm absolutely on board with carrying her lenses, holding a jacket, running out to the car when necessary, and doing anything else she dreams up for me to take care of (I'm an excellent assistant-type; it makes me feel important, and I've been wanting to act as her sidekick on a wedding for quite some time now), but I'm most excited about the two of us leaving our respective realities behind and getting to talk, play, eat, and talk for a couple days.

Something unique to look forward to.

So this is the part that I say a big fat thank-you to my blog. For without it Ash and I would not have reconnected, and this trip I'm looking forward to wouldn't be on the calendar. So thanks, Remarks blog. My commitment to you brings nice things.


whitneyingram said...

I like Remarks sexy new look.

Jessica said...

your blog is one of my favorites and I find it very entertaining. If you need ideas of places to eat/stay/play in the L.A. area let me know. I've lived here for a few years and have a decent list. unless you aren't coming to L.A. for your fun time then never mind.

-- from a not-crazy, totally-normal, random person who reads and comments on your blog (Jessica)

Jena said...

I don't think I've ever been called "freaking hot" before. I'm totally glowing right now.

I agree with J. I'm a fan. Thanks for being you. We all need a dash of Megan in our lives!

p.s. Atlas Shrugged has been sitting on my shelf for a very long time. I might just decide to crack it open and bug you when I don't understand a bit of it. 5 or 6 times??? amazing.

Holly Anderson said...

can i come? i want to play, too.