Told you Justin was great.
For this morning, my inbox gifted me with a folder of low-res, web-worthy Justin Hackworth Photography images to share with you. Sifting through the 200 to choose a few (or a many) was tough, but I plowed through and have the following (and a bit of charming commentary) to share with you:
(Mallory, we missed you a whole bunch and hope you know that we were saying so the whole time.)

For this morning, my inbox gifted me with a folder of low-res, web-worthy Justin Hackworth Photography images to share with you. Sifting through the 200 to choose a few (or a many) was tough, but I plowed through and have the following (and a bit of charming commentary) to share with you:
(Mallory, we missed you a whole bunch and hope you know that we were saying so the whole time.)

Not everyone has a pretty mommy, so today I feel fortunate in having something others don't have. And just so you know: just like cool parents let their kids wear costumes on days that aren't Halloween, cool moms let their hair go grey with pride:
This is our little, pregnant Haley, a small Addison swimming inside her:
As they are . . . Whitney, Caitlyn, and Lola:
Listen to Justin's pirate jokes and you just might laugh this hard too:
Just try to spend an hour with Rookie and not be engaged and entertained by her stories (like Jack eating two of her birth control pills). Just try . . .
This is special. Being accustomed to people taking him seriously and doing as he instructs, I think Justin may be been held up by the misconception that we were the serious and obedient kind. Walk forward slowly, he tells us. Petersons take it to the extreme and look like this:
"It's an alien, Ma!"
My blog not really being one of photos, I'll bet you feel really privileged with today's windfall, don't you? Christmas in April, Dear Reader.
I love!!!
Fun stuff.
Amazing.. You girls are beautiful.
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