To facilitate Friday night family fun, Cat, our family stylist, and I planned a sugar cookie cut and color celebration. My skinny sissy claimed to have an amazing sugar cookie recipe. She emailed it over, and hunched over my computer and covered in flour (I have an inability to bake anything without blanketing the counter, the floor, and myself in the dust of my labors), I mixed the dough and some frosting in preparation for the fest.
We rolled the dough and carved cookies in the bat, black cat, and pumpkin silhouettes of Halloween (brief diversion: H-AAA-lloween or HAUL-oween? I’m of the “haul” school while my sisters claim it’s “h-aaa-l.” Where do you fall?) and baked them.
While the tiny bats and cats browned, Kitty and I pioneered fresh soda combinations.
Tadd surfed and The Husband installed his new Mac Leopard OS family pack on various Apple computers throughout the house.
And Haley mystified us as to why her sweet boyfriend Jon found that particular face charming enough to make a girlfriend of this darling sister.
When the cookies had cooked and cooled, Cat and I let a class of third graders frost them.
Ugh, I just felt my little nose grow a bit; third graders are not responsible for the infantile cookies above. Kit and I are. Shame. Shame.
We did all of this before sampling our wares . . . after frosting the festive biscuits, we tasted them. Bad move. The cookies were not amazing. They were so gross that Cat thought about slitting my throat with her frosting-encrusted butter knife. You’d think I forgot the sugar. I didn’t. Caitlyn’s amazing recipe wasn’t amazing. Awful is a better word for it.
Dad described the cookies’ unique flavor best: they’re like gobbling a spoonful of flour with a dash of salt and swallow of water.
So we tossed ‘em.
If you were to chuck 30 frosted sugar cookies into an industrial black garbage sack and peer inside; here’s what you’d see.
First off, I hate all of you. You can't just make merry without me. And don't worry about the cookies. I too have yet to make a good sugar cookie.
Oh yeah, and I knew Mark would be one of the first Mac dorks to get the new Leopard. He is a junkie.
Make merry without you? Go visit Mom's photos of the pumpkin carving party. How do you think I felt then. You did that little activity the night I left!
I challenge whitney to make a delightful sugar cookie. Lets see how good of a cook you really are...I would write this on your blog if I could! Just restore the comments you big baby.
Stop calling me stupid names, or I'll send my cookies after you!
I thought the cookies were very cute.. I didn't have to taste them but from here I would have to say nice work.. Looks like you are having fun in Utah I hope you mother recoops ok... You look great megan you are beautiful!
oh and one more thing leopard... Yay or nay?? It looks awesome we are just not sure if we have the heart to spend $120 on it....
Mark says YAY! on Leopard. I asked for two reaasons why, and he said "Time Machine" and "Quick Preview." But he also uses his computer around 15 hours a day for work and has very specific purposes and needs to fulfill.
You are too funny! The cookies LOOKED good!
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