Therefore learning that not only is this the first day of a new month but in fact the first day of a new year was unexpected. (Well, actually not much is expected. I have the immense privilege of floating through my days taking yoga, taking pole, teaching some, making out with a hot piece of ass, and eating lots of feta.)
But I did the significant day proper. I took Bikram this morning, went to Star Wars in 3D with Ben and Jim, and then picked up my two yoga teacher pals for a vinyasa class this evening. In class I laughed hard enough to fall out of postures. Then there was cake. And all day diet soda.
If I do that thing that all the people everywhere are doing and take stock of 2015 it’s clear that I done the whole durn year proper too—
- I graduated from yoga teacher training.
- I stopped selling drugs.
- I discovered that it is possible to be sexually attracted to a car.
- I started seriously working on my French.
- I took up pole and got a pole in my house!
- We got lost in Venice.
- We lazed in Hawaii.
- We partied at the Playboy Mansion.
- I rattled around The Big Easy with my two besties.
- I celebrated my first year of marriage to the best man I know.
- I saw all five of my sisters at once.
- I met a good looking newborn.
- We got a Katelynn Hansen quilt.
Not only do I not know what 2016 has in store, I don’t know what day of the week it is tomorrow. But I do know that with Jim as my person the year and every next day will be entertaining and abundant. Aw, shit, I just used that word—abundant. I'm gonna go gouge out my own eyes now.
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