See, I may love Mac, but mister loves it more.
You may wonder how such a thing can be definitively determined. On this one it's simple. He actually works at the Apple store. That's his job.
I (and every other spouse of an Apple employee) am attached to one of the few people on Earth that possess true ardor for their day-to-day. You'd be surprised how delightfully influential that is on a marriage. I'm sure that more than one of you are married to or dating someone who loathes their work, so you know the tole it takes. And--saints be praised--currently, that's not a tole we pay.
Each day, my husband comes home from work happy. The Apple environment is light, the brand itself is hip, the people he works with are unique, and the reason he wanted the job in the first place is that he's passionate about the products. In so many areas of our lives technology is unavoidable, and 'round here we believe that if you're going to interact with computers, phones, TVs, mp3 players, etc., you should enjoy the experience and forget what it's like to yell at your PC.
My fellow doesn't have to wear slacks or a tie to work. He heads out the door in jeans, sneaks, and a blinding turquoise Apple t-shirt that reads, I could talk about this stuff for hours. And fortunately, the shirt isn't kidding, for it's where the man spends many hours.
And I'll be monkey's uncle if the dude doesn't come home smiling.
Does all of this mean that Husband judges me for having a PC?
Absolutely. Of course he thinks you are short bus material for erring that way.
Of couse not, you ninny. You know him better than that. I'm the one who does thejudging 'round here.
After I read this I realized I have NEVER yelled at or slapped Maxwell - I never have had to. He is the perfect boyfriend.
Think if Maxwell had been a PC. By now you would have spent many, many hours screaming at him.
We just recently made the switch to Mac and I haven't wasted any time looking back.
My damn pc at work won't let me post a comment thank goodness for my iPhone that will let me and thanks for your mister for supporting the goodness! Although my mac computer is sick and it makes me sad.. I love macs... I also loved that you took a picture of your weird plane neighboor intresting man....at least he didn't have a portable tape player
i just spent a week at my dad's house and had to use his PC (i was cursing myself for not bringing my MacBook). I tried to talk him into a Mac and he says he isn't cool enough. i think if he did buy a Mac it would just make him cooler.
That's what I'm talking about, Jessica.
I won't believe true devotion until both of you have matching apple tattoos. (Know someone with one, by the way. It's next to his Flux Capacitor.)
My dad was a devoted Mac user. Six years ago, his apartment burned down. Most everything was destroyed. Big chunks of the flaming ceiling fell on his computer and melted gigantic holes all over it, lots of smoke damage, and what not. He thought it was toast. In hopes of salvaging any tiny piece of his info from the computer, he took the charred and burned remnants into the Apple guys....and what do you know? The thing still WORKED. It was on FIRE and it still worked, all his stuff was still there. Just TRY and tell me thats not impressive.
Julie, this is the most exquisite story I've ever heard. Just the good part though, of course. I must see that the man I married reads this delightful tale. But just the good part.
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